2008-10-01 15:21:00 UTC
Just so I don't get any responses saying "Let's see the facts" I'll list them:
1.No cost for good internet!:
-I've played online several times, no lag at all, no problems, the internet is never down, and is always reliable. Plus the Playstation store loads instantly, and downloads are quick.
2.Better/More memory:
-360 games are printed on 9G DVD's, PS3 games are printed on 50G Bluray Discs, not only are Bluray discs better in terms of storage, but they are more indestructible(they can withstand several smudges and scratches and still work perfectly), plus Bluray Discs will replace DVD's in a matter of 1 to 2 years.
3.Cheaper console:
-While X-box is labeled at $300, which seems like a $100 save, the hidden costs can add up to a lot more! firstly it is $100 extra just to connect it to the internet(not everyone has a computer right next to their console), plus it's $50 a year for X-box live(which adds up to at least $450, and that's without any games!
4.More reliable:
-The X-box 360 gets the Red Ring of Death/Dies at least once every three years(very occasionally does it not), PS3? no, because a console that was made to last for 10 years doesn't have that kind of problem.
5.Sharable PSN games:
-if you download a game, or if your friend downloads a game, you can both have it, only one of you has to pay for it, up to five people can have one paid for game!
6.Easy Charge controllers!
you can charge the controllers using your computer or PS3 console(the charge cord connects via USB. with X-box 360, you either have to continuously change the batteries or pay extra for a charging station. You don't have to waste extra money on Chargers or Betteries, like you would with teh X-box.
-almost all of the acessories are blue-tooth, which means they are all connected through wi-fi, so none of them need any extra mumbo jumbo to work.
8.More/Better DLC:
ie: Rock Band 2 is coming out for PS3 a month after it does for X-box, however PS3 is getting 20 Free downloadable songs in return!
9.The acessories for PS3 are cheaper!
-Wireless headset:
360: $60
PS3: $40-$50
-Media Remote:
360 $20(DVD only)
PS3 $25(DVD, BD, Menu, etc.)
-New Controller:
360 $50+(Cost of batteries)x
PS3 $55(rechargable, plus Dualshock, and Sixaxis)
10.Better games:
-Okay, I know I'm gonna get some skeptics here, but listen! Heavenly Sword, Soul Callibur 4(with Darth Vader!), Dark Sector, Disgaea 3, of the ones that are out. and LittleBigPlanet, Mirrors Edge, Valkyria Chronicles, White Knight Chronicles, Bioshock(1-3), Kingdom Hearts 3, and a bunch more games are coming soon. If you think about it all X-box has is Gears of War, Halo, and Fable, and frankly, aside from Fable, those games are pretty mediocre.(in my opinion of course)
So please(X-box fanboys) explain to me why you choose the worse of the two consoles, when facts for facts, PS3 is better.