2012-08-01 00:48:17 UTC
I've since leveled 3 times and have moved past the point of no return just outside of Goodsprings, and I have downloaded XBXTAFGUI, Modio, and NVVE 4.1. I've used XTAF before as well as Modio for other games, but NVVE 4.1 is a bit newer than the previous version I've used (had 2.5). Now I can pull the gamesave off the USB no problem, I can read the game save file in NVVE and do whatever I want to it, I can rehash and resign with Modio, and I can replace the file back on to the USB then the HD after the fact. The game reads the save just fine BUT after it loads my character freezes in 3rd person view (even though I prefer the 1st person view for gameplay and save it that way all the time) and most of the buttons on the controller don't respond in-game. I can access the dashboard, I can use different apps in the dashboard, I just can't get the pip-boy to pull up and I can't access the pause menu in game.
Standard saves function just fine, the autosave in un-modded form works fine as well.
I've tried different controllers, wired and wireless, official Microsoft and 3rd party, I've even tried it on different 360's with HD/cloud/USB for the save game access point. I'm at a loss, my previous mods worked fine before I installed all the GOTY nonsense (back when I rented it through Gamefly more than 2 years ago). I only have the GOTY, but nobody has mentioned anything in any of the forums about this issue regarding the original version or the newer GOTY.
If somebody has been able to successfully mod with the current July 2011 update and all the dlc/GOTY content installed please let me know how you did it and if possible include links to tools you've used successfully. I don't want anybody else's game save files, I want to be able to do this myself whenever and wherever I feel the need to do so.
Thank you!